Letter to the countries of the State

Dear friends, companions, sisters and brothers from all corners of the Spanish State who have taken to the streets over recent days to let the […]

Dear friends, companions, sisters and brothers from all corners of the Spanish State who have taken to the streets over recent days to let the Regime know that if they hit one of us, they hit us all. 

Thank you with all our heart. Thank you for conveying the warmth of this community that exists against all odds.

Thank you for being there with your bodies, which is all that those of us who dream of the worlds we hold in our hearts have.

Thank you for filling the streets with your complicit smiles.

Thank you for spreading the message that civil disobedience and self-determination are a battering ram against the Regime set up in 1978 based on indivisible unity and which will stop at nothing.

Thank you for defending the idea that the land is not for sale, that the sky belongs to no one, that dreams cannot be locked behind bars. Thank you for continuing along the path, for standing steadfast. 

They do not represent us. 

Because, despite the millions they lavish on telling the world that theirs is an exemplary and solid democracy, they will never have enough prisons to hold back the collective dignity of those of us who uphold the memory of the past and who fight for the future.

Because, although they continue to impose their corrupt Monarchy handed down from the dictatorship and a political class based on nepotism and profiteering, we will continue to challenge them.

No, they do not represent us. Because while they accuse those who suffer police brutality of violence, they continue to line their pockets with the ill-won gains of the arms trade and continue to wage unjust wars, including the one now unleashed on our Kurdish brothers and sisters.

Because we cannot not pay back the debt they have foisted on us and that stands in the way of building a decent present and future.

No, they do not represent us. And that is why we will no longer let them keep us down, the working class, on the brink of a new economic crisis.

Nor can we – nor will we – accept the “contradictions” of a supposed “advanced democracy” which, hand in hand with the other supposed “advanced democracies” of the European Union, stand by and watch the on-going death toll in the Mediterranean, on the Southern Border and in the detention centres.

For all of these reasons, we refuse to give up the fight for a democratic future for our children.

For all of these reasons, your fight is our fight and your spark is our spark too, because only by bringing down the monarchical regime of 1978 will we ever be able to start building a future of justice and freedom.

Take to the streets!
We will win!



Català |
Castellano |
Galego |
Euskara |
Asturianu |
Aragonés |

18 d'octubre de 2019